What Does French Press Coffee Taste Like?

Whether you like the French press or not, it is definitely one of the most classic and popular brewing methods. Everyone finds it simple to make a cup in the morning without too many steps. Grind coffee, add hot water, and then you can enjoy the great flavour. But have you ever wonder what French press coffee taste like? How is it different from other types? Let’s find out the answer.

Overview of the French press brewing method

Also known as a coffee press, a coffee plunger, or a press pot, a French press is typically simple in design. It has a cylindrical beaker filled with hot water and coffee grounds. After stirring the grounds a bit, you put on the lid and let the coffee steep.

Once the grounds reach the desired strength, push down the plunger slowly. This step helps move the floating coffee to the bottom, thus leaving the brew unpolluted and making it easier to enjoy.

The French press is a type of immersion brewing. This means that coffee grounds will be submerged in the boiled water for a couple of minutes rather than several seconds as in drip approaches.

Using this tool is super simple and only takes a few minutes. Grind, pour, press, and you will have a cup of tasty coffee. No gooseneck kettles, stirring, or precision pouring needed.

What does French press coffee taste like?

what does french press coffee taste like

Tastes can be a subjective matter because it depends on personal preferences. That is not to say there are many variations of French press coffee.

In general, most coffee lovers agree that French press coffee is typically strong and indulgent with an earthy and rich aroma. This special taste and flavour can be attributed to the brewing method.

It is important to know that the flavour and taste of coffee basically exist in the bean oils and fats. In drip machines, paper filters often absorb most of the substances. French press, instead, does not soak up oils and flavours. More importantly, this method also adds a few coffee grounds in the coffee, which can enhance the flavour.

The French press also allows the coffee grounds to steep. When brewing tea, we often use bulk tea that steeps for a few minutes. This brings a mouth-watering cup. The same holds true for French press coffee. As the grounds steep in hot water, the coffee typically tastes better.

With a French press, everything is in the mug, except the coffee grounds. You can taste all the flavours and experience them through all senses, which can bring a better drinking experience.

No impurities exist. You can have complete saturation of grounds because a French press does let you miss any grounds. In other words, the drink offers full saturation of oils and flavour substances to give you the fullest taste.

Which factors determine the taste of French press coffee?

Even when you use the same brewing methods and device, the taste of the coffee can vary a lot. Some decisive factors include:

Coffee beans

Robusta and Arabica are the two most popular types of coffee beans in the world. They are available in many varieties, which are different in caffeine content, oils, and aroma substances. Of course, there are many other categories in the world of coffee beans. If you want to have new drinking experiences, then do research and give them a try.

Roast profile

The roasting process helps bring out natural oils and flavour substances inside the coffee beans. Depending on your personal tastes, you can choose from light, medium, or dark roasted products. Colour is not the only factor to pay attention to because it can be sometimes misleading. Many variables decide the roast profile, such as roast time, rate of rise, charge temperature, air flow, cooling speed, or drum speed.

Brewing variables

A mistake that many people often make is to assume that using the same brewing method can always create a similar taste and flavour. In fact, you can adjust some variables to meet your personal tastes or preferences. These include water temperature, brewing time, grind size, and water to coffee ration. By mixing and matching them, you can create a delicious cup for your morning routine.

Troubleshoot common taste issues with French press coffee

what does french press coffee taste like

Below are some simple tips to help you resolve common taste problems when brewing French press coffee

Too weak

The main reason is that you use too coarse coffee grounds, which leads to under-extraction. This means the hot water cannot bring out enough natural oils and aroma substances in the beans. A simple solution is to grind your coffee a bit finer until they look like salt. Also, you can increase the steeping time for more extraction.

Too strong

French press coffee is prone to over-extraction. This is especially true when you grind the beans too finely or let it steep too long. Ideally, you should not brew the coffee more than 4 or 5 minutes, depending on your personal tastes.

Too bitter

Perhaps you used too fine beans. The next time try to grind them more coarsely to prevent over-extraction.

Too sour or acidic

The main reason for this taste problem is under-extraction. You need to brew a bit longer to allow more oils and substances to come out.

Too stale

A flat or stale taste is often caused when you purchase low-quality coffee beans. Perhaps they are old and pre-ground, which leads to a gradual loss of freshness over time. To resolve this issue, you should choose fresh products and grind them 15 to 20 minutes before brewing. This will minimise oxidation and moisture effects.

Unwanted tastes

In case your coffee has a weird taste, water quality can be the culprit. Make sure you use filtered or bottled water. Tap water might contain some substances that destroy aroma elements in the beans.

A dirty French press can also affect the overall taste. You need to give it a thorough cleaning once in a few weeks.

The bottom like

To sum up, French press coffee is rich and smooth. With some crepes or a tasty croissant, and you can enjoy a great morning. While it requires a bit more patience to brew than the drip method, it is simple to master the technique in no time.


  1. https://www.coffeeandhealth.org/all-about-coffee/aroma-and-flavour-descriptors/

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